In 1994, the Order of Discalced Augustinians (OAD) embarked on a mission to spread the Catholic faith and Augustinian spirituality in Asia, starting in the Philippines. Under the leadership of Rev. Fr. Luigi Kerschbamer, OAD, the mission has flourished over the past 30 years, expanding to several Asian countries and touching countless lives. This year, we also celebrate Fr. Luigi's 50th year as a priest, a testament to his unwavering commitment and devotion.
Join us in commemorating the dedicated service of the OAD in Asia, initiated by Rev. Fr. Luigi Kerschbamer, OAD.
A history of the OAD mission in the Philippines and its expansion to other countries in Asia.
If you require an official receipt for tax purposes or other documentation, please let us know by emailing luigik3 [@] after your donation. We will be happy to provide you with the necessary paperwork.
If you prefer to donate by check, please make it payable to The Mission of the OAD, Inc. You can hand-deliver the check directly to Rev. Fr. Luigi Kerschbamer, OAD, at OAD Tabor Hill. Alternatively, if you are in Cebu, we can arrange to pick up the check at your convenience. If neither option works for you, you can also mail the check to our admin office at the address below. Please include your contact information so we can send you a receipt and a note of thanks. Please take a photo of the check and send it to Fr. Luigi via Viber at 09228419253 for reference.
Rev. Fr. Luigi Kerschbamer, OAD
OAD Tabor Hill, Purok 3, Barangay San Jose, Cebu City, Philippines 6000
To donate via bank transfer, log in to your Metrobank online banking account and send your donation directly to our Metrobank account. After the transfer is complete, please take a photo of the deposit slip and send it to Fr. Luigi via Viber at 09228419253 for acknowledgment.
Bank: Metrobank (Philippine Peso Account)
Account Name: The Mission of the OAD, Inc.
Account Number: 169-7-16952094-8
Bank: Metrobank (US Dollar Account)
Account Name: Fr. Luigi Kerschbamer, OAD
Account Number: 169-2-16900029-2
GCash Name: LUIGI K. (Fr. Luigi Kerschbamer, OAD)
You can easily donate through GCash by sending your contribution to 09228419253 or by scanning the QR code here. Open the GCash app, select "Send Money," and either enter our number or scan the QR code. After completing your donation, kindly take a screenshot of the transaction and send it to Fr. Luigi via Viber at 09228419253 so we can acknowledge your generosity.
For a quick and secure donation, you can use PayPal. Click on the "Donate with PayPal" button below to be redirected to the PayPal site, where you can choose to donate using your PayPal account or a credit or debit card without needing a PayPal account. You can also send your donation directly from your PayPal account to our PayPal email, luigik3 [@] You will receive an email confirmation from PayPal, which serves as your receipt. After the transfer is complete, please take a screenshot of the transaction and send it to Fr. Luigi via Viber at 09228419253 so we can acknowledge your generosity.
Your generous donations help us continue our mission and expand our reach.
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+63-32-255-0028 (Admin Office)
Tabor Hill, Purok 3, San Jose, Cebu City
2024 OAD Asia | All rights reserved